Always consult the hotel concierge for tips on best restaurants, what sights to see, all the hidden gems, and the low-down on the local culture. No better person than someone who deals with it day in day out and lives locally. Looking past the rudimentary requests such as obtaining a map or calling a cab, the hotel concierge can be your go-to for just about anything, and the best part is that they can even often make those hard-to-get reservations, get you VIP status at clubs, etc. Consider your concierge as the ultimate insider with an accrued wealth of information that can help make the impossible seem possible.
A few things to consider to maximize your experience with the concierge: 1) Instead of asking your questions on the spot, call ahead of time and give them a chance to dig and do some research for you; 2) Don’t forget to tip them for their services, especially if they’ve gone above and beyond to help you; 3) Relay the specifics of what you’re looking for (budget, area, cuisine, etc.) as opposed to being general and vague in your query; and 4) Be friendly and treat them with respect. Also remember that the network of high-end concierges is extremely well-connected, not just locally, but across cities, countries, and continents.