is without a doubt, Ain’t Nothin’ But A Blues Bar. In fact, it’s probably one of the best bars in Soho, with a low-key atmosphere and interesting people. In operation since 1993, Ain’t Nothin’ But A Blues Bar is a mecca for blues enthusiasts, resembling something of a grungy Chicago juke joint with sheet music as wallpaper. You don’t have to be engulfed by melancholy to appreciate and enjoy blues music. I assure you of that one. In fact, most of the people I met there were the “happy-go-lucky, I love the world” type, which made for some very lively conversations. It’s free admission on Friday and Saturday nights if you get there before 8:30. And in case you don’t want to miss another great guest performance, open mic night, or open jam session, there’s a handwritten blackboard listing of each month’s gigs inside. 20 Kingly Street (

The global pandemic that we're currently experiencing in all corners of the world has stopped humanity in its ...