In today’s day and age, what can’t our mobile phones (read: smart phones) do? Time to add one more convenience to the list–instead of carrying paper copies of your passport everywhere (or your actual passport), keep digital copies of the entire booklet in your email, so it’s easy to whip out at any moment. Heck, while you’re at it, keep digital copies of your credit cards as well. It can’t hurt (unless your email gets hacked). If you know you’ll be in an area that doesn’t have internet connectivity, download it to your photos folder. Having access to all your essential travel documents (passport, visas, exit/entry stamps, credit cards, etc.) at all times can save you some major panic attacks later on, whether the documents get lost or stolen, you need to provide ID to an official, or some unforeseen disaster hits.

The global pandemic that we're currently experiencing in all corners of the world has stopped humanity in its ...