Meet Tyler Tate. He’s an entrepreneur looking to revolutionize how we consume our coffee through his new venture, by introducing an easier and more efficient way to purchase quality single-origin coffee from around the world.
Read on to learn more about Tyler and his creative entrepreneurial vision.
1) Tell me about yourself and your background.
I’ll begin my story in the summer of 2006. I was a senior in college, and I was spending four weeks of my summer break working with an NGO group in Costa Rica whose goal was to support agricultural workers in the coffee industry. I visited a dozen coffee farms, got to know several coffee growers, and witnessed the processing, milling, and coffee roasting operations along the way. It was an amazing experience.
A year after graduating, my newlywed wife and I left our college town in Kentucky and moved to the big smoke of London. It was a stark contrast with our childhood in the American South, but we fell in love with the United Kingdom. We lived in London for three years, and spent another three years in a small village just outside Cambridge. I was part of a couple of different technology startups during that time, making software products that we sold to other businesses.
One morning I was sitting in a favorite London coffee shop — Flat White on Berwick street — and looking at the blackboard behind the counter. It was describing their featured coffee: “El Salvador, Finca Divino Niño. Grown at 2,100 meters elevation by Mateo Pérez. Bourbon varietal. Harvested in May. Dry processed.”
That was a ‘eureka’ moment for me. My thought process went something along the lines of… wouldn’t it be great if there was an online marketplace where I could explore the world of coffee using all of coffee’s unique characteristics? Where I could discover the story behind the coffee I’m drinking? Where I could buy coffee from small, specialty roasters and have it delivered to me? That was the spark for what would eventually become
After leaving my previous company in the fall, my wife and I — with our young children in tow — spent four weeks camping around the UK, from Scotland to Cornwall. We then took a two-month break in the Dordogne region of France before heading to the US in November to start working full time on

Photo by urban75