Credit card companies are usually pretty vigilant about fraud, and sometimes a little too much, but at times, transactions can be repeated two or more times on the your statement accidentally, or intentionally for that matter. It's always a good idea to keep all your...
Travel Well
[Infographic] How to Travel through Europe and Not Break the Bank
Time to put the perennial excuse that travel is too expensive to rest! Our dear friends over at Travel and Leisure and Eurail are here to tell you that travel through Europe CAN be done without breaking the bank with a few pointers... If you have any other tips,...
Photo Essay: The J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles Through the Lens
Perched atop a stunning hill in the Santa Monica Mountains, the Getty Center overlooks the vast cityscape of the greater Los Angeles area. Its exceptional contemporary architecture, wide array of pre-20th century art, colorful gardens, and panoramic views are its...
What Can You Learn from an 8-year-old from the New Delhi Slums? More than You Think.
Excerpt from my U.S. Embassy International Narcotics/Law Enforcement journal... He was a young, scrawny boy that lived in the New Delhi slums adjacent to the NGO where I taught English and basic computer skills. He was my student, Krishnan. During my bi-weekly English...
As I Bid Adieu to 2012…
Making their way around blogs all over cyberspace today are New Year's Resolutions. Although I'm not one to really make resolutions, there are a few goals I have that pertain specifically to my website. I've put a lot of time and effort into my website, but there's...
Travel Tip #6: Try to integrate yourself into the local society as much as possible, even if that means stepping outside your comfort zone and trying new local customs.
We've all heard the clichéd adage: when in Rome, do as the Romans do. Some destinations are easier to blend in with locals, while others require a conscious effort on your part. As I write this paragraph, one experience in particular comes to mind. My friends and I...
Fireworks Exploding, Street Dancing, Party Crashing, Glühwein Drinking, and Snowball Fighting: Silvester (NYE) in Berlin
One of my most memorable New Year's Eve celebrations? Berlin, most definitely. Depending on the day, it wavers between #1 and #2, fiercely competing with London. During my year in Berlin, I had received a few invitations for private NYE parties, and while they all...
Photo Essay: The Grove + Rodeo Drive in Los Angeles During Christmas
Los Angeles isn't my top choice for the holidays, but it does hold its own ground. Well, kind of...pockets of it, at least. Fake snow cascading down and sparkly lights snaked around palm trees at The Grove and on Rodeo Drive do make for a festive California sight....
[Guest Post] Tacos, Enchiladas, and Mole: Mexican Culinary Staples With A Twist
As travelers, we are always on a journey to satisfy our cravings and curiosities for new things. No matter where we go, whether a new town, city, or country, one of the best ways to have an authentic experience is to sample and understand the local food. In my...
December 13, 2012 :: Saint Lucia’s Day in Sweden
What: Though not an official holiday, Saint Lucia's Day is both a religious celebration and a cultural festivity throughout Scandinavia, particularly Sweden. A traditional kind of bun, Lussekatt ("St. Lucia Bun"), made with saffron, is normally eaten on this day. In...
December 10 :: Happy International Human Rights Day!
Want to get involved and help bring light into the dark corners of the world? Check out Idealist's basic introduction to human rights work. EVERY individual can make a difference. Seriously.
Holiday Giveaway! A $75 Voucher to Stiletto Escape, A Trip Planning+Concierge Service
'Tis the season to be giving...fa la la la la, la la la la! It's time for a holiday giveaway! The Cultureur has joined forces with Stiletto Escape, a trip planning+concierge service for women (and men, if they're lucky!). The Escape Artists over at Stiletto Escape...